After 23 years of nursing I started practicing Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine and have been practicing since 1998. I studied Chinese Medicine Theory, Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine at The Community School of Traditional Chinese Health Care, NMB, FL., graduating in 1996. I studied NSEV Healing (Non-somatic Extraordinary Vessel Healing) with Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel AP ; I am certified in Homo-toxicology (the use of Homeopathic Formula’s to assist the body in eliminating toxins & to repair, reduce & contain the damage caused by toxins).
In my practice I integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, gentle acupuncture, Extraordinary Vessel Healing & Homo-toxicology to treat a wide variety of acute & chronic health disorders.
My practice is based on the belief that all signs & symptoms of disease must be viewed within the context of the whole person as well as the environment in which that person lives & works. This is an important concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Every person is unique and requires an individually tailored plan of treatment based on a thorough evaluation of their signs & symptoms, current & past health problems & treatments, their diet & lifestyle. Evaluation is ongoing as treatment progresses and modifications in treatment are made as needed.
I would welcome the opportunity to help you to resolve your health problems, maintain or improve your health.